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Cozy Classroom

DIY Mini Spoon Snowmen for Pre-k

DIY spoon snowmen are the perfect snowy January project! In our pre-k classroom, we like to end our week with “Crafty Friday”! It’s usually a project that aligns well with our focus story of the week. This week we ended our week with this super cute project after reading “Snowmen at Night”. Now, I will tell you that my original vision of how this project would look in the end was a tad different than how it actually came out!

When I placed my “spoon” order on Amazon I apparently, didn’t look at the size! Needless to say, I was a bit perplexed when I opened my package to see these mini spoons! Hmm….now what? Just like everything else in the teaching world. Time to switch gears!

Prepping Materials for Snowmen

To begin this project we started out by gathering our mini spoons, white and black paint, paint brushes, sticker eyes (since the google eyes I had on hand were now WAY too big for these tiny spoons), orange paper to cut teeny tiny carrot noses, teeny tiny poms, blue and white pipe cleaners (cut into 1.5-inch pieces for the top part of the earmuffs, ribbon of your choice for the scarf and of course a glue gun! There is a lot of teacher help needed for this project. Most likely because the spoons were SO small!

Project Time

Kiddos need to first give their spoons a good coat of white paint. While the spoons are wet, we stick on carrot noses, sticker eyes and have kids give their snowmen mouths and buttons using black paint!

Let your snowmen dry a bit and then it’s teacher time! Add the scarves (ribbon) and earmuffs (pipe cleaner and poms glued together) for a completed snowman! The only thing I will be doing differently next year, is using much larger spoons! Although these snowmen came out super cute, they were tough to add details to being that they were so small.

Hope you enjoyed this Friday craft! See you next week!



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